peak liquid packaging

+44 (0) 115 944 4555

Thinking Inside & Outside the Box

Case Study – Metal Detectable Membrane Liners

  • Date: 26/01/2018
  • Category: General

A major concern in food processing plants is the risk of contaminants in the food channels. We have been working with a customer in the fresh food processing industry who was particularly concerned about the potential risk of fragments of plastic, caused when a membrane cutter is used to discharge product from a liner, entering the process.

Peak’ s team was asked if we could supply an alternative liner which would offer a solution to these concerns.

Peak offers an extensive range of IBC/pallecon liners including  a cutter membrane liner, fitted with a gland and cutter. This liner is offered also with the option of a metallised Pet membrane. Thanks to the higher metal content of the film, any particles of membrane film dropping into the liquid product when discharging, are detected, by even the least sensitive detection equipment further down the line.

Our customer’s quality team tested a sample which met their initial quality and technical requirements. This was followed by a full production trial. The customer was very impressed with the outcome and declared that the product was ‘much better than our usual suppliers’.

Peak Packaging has been responding to the needs of liquid packaging customers for nearly 25 years and has developed a wide range of liners and fitments which are accredited by BRC and approved by FDA/IMS for direct food contact. We are Europe’s only independent IBC liner manufacturer, with 2 separate production sites in UK and Poland.

If this product solution is of interest to your business, then contact our sales office and ask for metal-detectable membrane liner.

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Tel: +44 (0) 115 944 4555
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